

All the available tiles styles in the current CSS layout framework are listed below. It may be possible to mix and match some of them so feel free to experiment, but don't expect that all combinations will work as expected on all screen sizes.

Unlike the cards layout where the selection of image sizes in the articles/containers widget doesn't make much different, the  tiles layout relies on selection of the right image size to fit into the context of the page properly. Whereas images in the  cards layout fill the width of the content block, images in the  tiles layout have a horizontal relationship with their associated text so it's important to set an image size (width) that makes sense in each place tiles are used.

Generally speaking, images in tiles layouts are intended to be square, but remember that the final height of tiles will be governed by the amount of text in the content summary, and the height of the image will in turn rely on that. So tiles generally work best in collections where all content summaries are a similar length or shorter than what would make the image in the tile grow in height. Consider using the summary truncation feature of the articles/container widgets to help with that. Don't use the Original Size" image sizing option with tiles unless you're very sure that the images being used by the authors have been prepared in the correct sizes already.

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