Content in the first column.
Content in the second column.
Content in the first column.
Content in the second column.
Content in the first column.
Content in the second column.
Content in the first column.
Content in the second column.
Content in the first column.
Content in the second column.
Content in the first column.
Content in the second column.
Content in the first column.
Content in the second column.
Content in the first column.
Content in the second column.
Content in the first column.
Content in the second column.
Content in the first column.
Content in the second column.
Content in the first column.
Content in the second column.
Available classes specific to columns layouts include:
This example uses:
Content in the first column - col padding.
Content in the second column - col padding.
Content in the first column - col padding-thick.
Content in the second column padding-thick.
Content in the first column - col padding-thick.
Content in the second column padding-thick.
Content in the first column - col padding-thick.
Content in the second column padding-thick.
The gutters-border classes implement very thin gutters that feel more like borders around the columns.
Content in the first column - col padding.
Content in the second column - col padding.
Dividers separate columns with a visible line. Dividers exist in the middle of a gutter.
Content in the first column - col padding-thick.
Content in the second column padding-thick.
So for instance you can have borders around your column blocks and still separate the columns with gutters and a visible divider:
Content in the first column - col padding-thick border.
Content in the second column padding-thick border.
Use dividers with gutters-none and a border on the columns block to make it look like a grid:
Content in the first column - col padding-thick border.
Content in the second column padding-thick border.
Columns can be boxes, which works well if you want everything to be lined up, and they can include standard block helper classes...
Content in the first column - col box rounded-more padding bg-mid-dark-color-grey.
And more content in this box so the content area is taller.
Content in the second column - col box rounded-less padding bg-mid-dark-color-grey.
... or columns can have boxes inside them, which works well if you want to get fancy with alignment and layout:
Content in a box - box padding bg-mid-dark-color-grey ratio ratio-1x1 align-items-center ellipse text-center.
A second paragraph to make it taller.
Remember that content in a ratio box must be in a nested box of its own for layout to work nicely..
Content in a box - box padding bg-mid-dark-color-grey.
Another box here.
Content in the first column.
Content in the second column.
Content in the first column.
Content in the second column.
Content in the first column.
Content in the second column.
Content in the first column.
Content in the second column.
Content in the first column.
Content in the second column.
Content in the first column.
Content in the second column.
Content in the first column.
Content in the second column.
Content in the first column.
Content in the second column.
Content in the first column.
Content in the second column.
Content in the first column.
Content in the first column.
Content in the second column.
Content in the second column.
Available classes specific to columns layouts include:
This example uses:
Content in the first column - col padding.
Content in the first column - col padding-thick.
Content in the first column - col padding-thick.
Content in the first column - col padding-thick.
Content in the first column - col padding-thick.
The gutters-border classes implement very thin gutters that feel more like borders around the columns.
Content in the first column - col padding.
Dividers separate columns with a visible line. Dividers exist in the middle of a gutter.
Content in the second column padding-thick.
So for instance you can have borders around your column blocks and still separate the columns with gutters and a visible divider:
Content in the second column padding-thick border.
Use dividers with gutters-none and a border on the columns block to make it look like a grid:
Content in the second column padding-thick border.
Content in the second column padding-thick.
Content in the second column padding-thick.
Content in the second column padding-thick.
Content in the second column padding-thick
Content in the second column padding-thick
Content in the second column - col padding.
Content in the first column - col padding-thick.
Content in the first column - col padding-thick border.
Content in the first column - col padding-thick border.
Columns can be boxes, which works well if you want everything to be lined up, and they can include standard block helper classes...
Content in the first column - col box rounded-more padding bg-mid-dark-gray.
And more content in this box so the content area is taller.
Content in the second column - col box rounded-less padding bg-mid-dark-gray.
... or columns can have boxes inside them, which works well if you want to get fancy with alignment and layout: