

Unordered Lists

Default List Layout

  • Default unordered list layout
  • Multiple items
    • Second level list here
    • Also with multiple items
      • Third level nested list
      • All lists have multiple items
    • Third item in second level list
  • Here's a third item


  • List of warnings
  • Be careful
  • Don't panic
  • Be kind to everyone


  • List with checked/ticked items
  • A positive list
  • Everything is checked
  • Even the last item


  • List with crossed items
  • This list is a big negative
  • Everything is crossed
  • Even the last item


  • This is a helpful list
  • With helpful icons
  • Using the question mark convention


  • An informational list
  • There are multiple items
  • Each one has an information icon


  • Pointers could be arrows, chevrons, carets, triangles
  • Or other things...
  • Make a choice for your site
  • Add more list styles if you want
    • It's not hard for your developer to do
    • Not hard at all
  • This item is after a sub list

Individual Items

  • List with different items
  • The list itself is unstyled
  • Each item has its own class
  • This one's an info icon
  • Just a circle
  • Just a disc
  • Just a square bullet
  • Just a "pointer" bullet
  • The last one is a warning


  • This is a basic circles list but the circles are styled
  • They're just a little different to the default
  • You could just style standard lists this way
  • Either way, it's nice to have an extra option

Circle Icons

  • There are "circle" versions of the icons
  • This one is a check
  • This is a cross in a circle
  • A circle warning on this one
  • Help please, in a circle
  • This is a pointer


  • This is a basic discs list but the discs are styled
  • They're just a little different to the default
  • You could just style standard lists this way
  • Either way, it's nice to have an extra option

Disc Icons

  • There are "disc" versions of the icons
  • This one is a check
  • This is a cross in a disc
  • A dosc warning on this one
  • Help please, in a disc
  • This is a pointer


  • This is a basic square circle bullet list
  • But the squares are styled
  • They're just a little different to the default
  • You could just style standard lists this way
  • Either way, it's nice to have an extra option

Square Icons

  • There are "square" versions of the icons
  • This one is a check
  • This is a cross in a square
  • A circle warning on this one
  • Help please, in a circle
  • This is a pointer

Mixing Up Lists

Individual items can override the list style. This is a "checks" list.

  • List with different items
    1. Sub lists are possible
    2. Here's a second item
  • Start with checks
    • Sub lists can be ordered or not ordered
    • It's not a list without two or more items
  • This one is crossed
    • Sub lists can be styled too
    • This one has checks under a cross
    • But for testing we override an item with a warning
  • Lastly a warning

Ordered Lists

More styles for ordered lists will be created, but for now here's the standard style.

  1. This is a standard ordered list
  2. Second item goes here
  3. And there's a third item
  4. Three looks short, so we'll make a fourth one
  5. Last one

Horizontal Lists

Lists can be laid out horizontally. Most of the layout helper classes can be applied (margins, padding, alignment, different screen size treatments) but things can get a little flaky when lots of layout logic is applied.

Simple Horizontal List

  • First item
  • Second item
  • Another one
  • Last one for now

Separators Between

This only works well for lists that don't use content justification rules such as space-between, space-evenly, space-around.

  • First item
  • Second item
  • Another one
  • Last one for now

Aligned Lists

This list is centred.

  • First item
  • Second item
  • Another one
  • Last one for now

Spaced Lists


  • First item
  • Second item
  • Another one
  • Last one for now


  • First item
  • Second item
  • Another one
  • Last one for now


  • First item
  • Second item
  • Another one
  • Last one for now

Stacks at Medium Screen Sizes

Stacking rules can be used for all the standard screen sizes. This list will stack on medium screens.

Menu Lists

Horizontal Menu

Vertical Menu